Tired Eyes/Advent Ghosts

One of my favorite yearly traditions is participating in Loren Eaton’s Advent Ghost Story Christmas Event. The rules are, 100 words, no more, no less, and make it spooky! There are always some truly brilliant and heart stopping tales, perfect for a chilly day, a warm fire and a Christmas Spirit close by.


Tired eyes, not merry, or bright. Eyes that had seen too much. Bruises under those tired eyes, cheeks swollen, not rosy.

Closed eyes. Hands over ears unable to muffle the sound of footsteps drawing closer.

Bright light as eyes pop open. Pain then nausea as another bruise begins to form.

“Get Santa a beer and stop crying! It’s Christmas for Christ’s sake.”

Another beer for Santa. Anything to keep him quiet. She opened the refrigerator, felt the cool glass in her hand, took hold of the neck, returned to him, swung that bottle with all her might.

“Merry Christmas Santa.”

6 thoughts on “Tired Eyes/Advent Ghosts

    1. Thank you Linda, I, as usual with Loren’s Ghost Story extravaganza had a very elaborate and shocking thing in my head, the 18th came and I couldn’t pull it off. This one just kind of happened. Merry Christmas!


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